Home » The Pros And Cons Of Red Light Therapy For Hair Loss, According To Experts

The Pros And Cons Of Red Light Therapy For Hair Loss, According To Experts

Here’s what we do — and more importantly, don’t — know about this trendy treatment.

Somsri Luangsod via Getty Images
Some red light caps look as simple as a baseball cap from the outside.Red light devices are quickly gaining attention not only as a way to erase our fine lines and wrinkles but also as a potential solution for thinning hair, according to buzz from /r/Tressless Redditors looking to save their receding hairline and TikTokers who just want a little extra hair length.
Treatments are noninvasive and as simple as wearing a cap, but what do dermatologists and other hair restoration experts think about this red light trend?
Costing upward of $500, are these devices worth the hefty price tag? Or is this yet another social media fad that is more hype than substance?

HowDoesRedLightTherapyHelpGrowHair?Intheory,redlighttherapyorlow-levellighttherapy(LLLT)worksbyusingspecificwavelengthsabsorbedbymitochondriatoincreasecellularenergy,enhancinghealing,bloodflowandstemcellactivation.Inadditiontobuildingcollagenandrepairingdamagedskincells,thisenergyboostcouldalsopromotehairgrowth. Dr.Kimbe